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General Tips And Tricks For Dog Owners

Dog Tips, Oct 19, 2020

By Pilar Garrido for

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Getting a dog: 

Before getting a dog, you need to ask yourself, “Why do I want a dog or why do I need a dog?” Having a dog means having a big new responsibility in life. A dog is not a toy, something to enjoy for now and to be discarded later when the fun is over. A dog is a faithful companion that will stand by their owner, and will stay with them for the rest of their life.

Setting the rules:

A dog owner needs to learn how to set rules in the house. Setting rules is important and necessary. Like a child, a dog will try to dismantle the rules. However, if rules are properly enforced, the house will be better organized and everyone will be happy living under the same roof. The most important element is trust: dogs never follow someone they do not trust.

Personality and demeanor:

No two humans are alike and the same is true with dogs. Every dog is unique, no matter the breed. Dogs will learn and adopt a person’s behavior. If a person is kind, the dog will learn to be kind. If a person is aggressive, the dog will pick that up too. When a person is confident, a dog will learn to follow him or her confidently. 


It is very important to spend time training your dog correctly. Reading books on how to train a dog is a must. It takes time to train a dog and repetition is essential. Never hit or scare a dog when it makes mistakes. Punishment is never a good reward. Only reward a dog for good behavior. A pat on the head is a good example. If you really need to get a dog trainer, do so. However, make sure you closely follow the instructions from the trainer. Do not reinvent the wheel or else the dog will get different signals and will not be able to understand what you are trying to communicate.

“It is very important to spend time training your dog correctly. Reading books on how to train a dog is a must. It takes time to train a dog and repetition is essential.”


When walking, please make sure you respect the spaces of others and their dogs. Always walk with a leash, and never provoke your dog or other dogs to be aggressive. To decrease the excitement or aggressiveness of your dog, you can distract him or her by changing directions and walking away. 

Other dogs: 

Remember, just because your dog is playful does not mean it has the right to play with other dogs. You need to respect people’s boundaries. Some people might not want their dogs to interact with your dog. Always ask the owner if your dog can play with his or her dog.

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Never let your dog go off leash unless your dog is 100% properly trained to come back on your command. Walking a dog is not just for potty training. It’s also for establishing a good relationship with the owner and helping the dog socialize in his or her environment.


Like humans, dogs have their limits. Never exhaust your dog to the point of extreme thirst or hunger. Dogs are not machines. Like us, they need proper diet, hygiene, exercise, rest and sleep.

Unconditional love:

It may seem obvious, but love your dogs! They are now part of your family. Still, though, you need to set limits and boundaries. Some people do not allow their children to do things but allow their dogs to engage in every bad behavior in the book. Respect and love them, and they will do the same to you. You will be surprised that their love is enormous without measure. It is what you call unconditional love.

“You will be surprised that their love is enormous without measure. It is what you call unconditional love.”

Tips for spring and summer: 


In summer, when outdoors, always carry a bottle of water for you and for your dog. If you get thirsty, your dog is probably thirsty too. If you have a backyard, it could be beneficial to build a baby pool so your pup can take a fresh dip in the water. 

“Bathe your dog a minimum of at least once a month. If you cannot do it yourself, bring him or her to a groomer. A dog needs to have a proper shampoo treatment that will not only hydrate the skin and hair, but will also kill fleas and ticks.”


Bathe your dog a minimum of at least once a month. If you cannot do it yourself, bring him or her to a groomer. A dog needs to have a proper shampoo treatment that will not only hydrate the skin and hair, but will also kill fleas and ticks. Do not just buy a particular shampoo because it looks or smells good. You need to read the label carefully to find out how else it can benefit your dog’s health. 

Dogs should have the following: 

(1) a spray to protect against ticks or fleas

(2) special pills for the treatment, control and prevention of ticks and fleas

(3) a dog collar for the prevention of ticks and fleas 

(4) scheduled check ups with your community veterinarian

If you are not sure which product to use, consult your local veterinarian or your professional dog groomer. Since there are so many products out there in the market, finding the right one can be a headache. In this day and age, you can now buy chewable fleas medication that can provide various protection for your dogs. However, when choosing products, especially if you are buying them over the counter medication, you need to consider the following:

(a) the age of your dog

(b) weight and size

(c) most prevalent issues, parasites and diseases in your hometown or area of living

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Dogs and kids:

Parents should teach their kids to never touch dogs on the street without their owner’s permission. Touching an animal without supervision could scare the dog and lead to biting. Kids should learn to be gentle and loving toward any dogs (and any animal, as a matter of fact). 

Parents should not scare their kids by saying ‘the dog is going to bite you’ for no reason. That can have a negative psychological effect that can traumatize kids and can make them afraid of dogs for the rest of their lives.

A child who grows up loving a dog will never be alone. In fact, they might even become more sociable as they grow up. However, parents should teach their kids to be responsible, caring and to learn to clean the dog’s mess whether he or she is inside or outside the house. Kids need to understand that a dog is not a toy but an extension of the family. As family, the pup needs to always be treated with respect and dignity.

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